Not Long To Go

The Excitment is intensifying as the tournament draws near. In just two days the tournament will kick off and finally the worlds best cricketers can swing there bats in anger. My favourites to win are still Mumbai as I believe they are well balanced and have good attacking players such as Sanath Jayasuriya.

I want to know what you think of the league and who you think will be most successful. Take a look at the squads page: Teams and make your comments

1 Response to “Not Long To Go”

  1. 1 ireson69 April 17, 2008 at 1:15 pm

    My name is Jamdev Irevignow, and I live in India and am just wiriting to say i cannot wait for the start of the IPL. As we would say in our native homeland, it is going to be hell in a boat, although i wish more english players would come over – i love kevin pieterson.

    by the way check out my blog of my other love – hereford united http//

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