Symonds Century Not Enough For Hyderabad

Deccan Chargers V Rajasthan Royals Full scorecard

Shane Warne’s Rajasthan Royals overcame the Deccan Chargers by 3 wickets despite a blazing century from Andrew Symonds at the Rajiv Ghandi Stadium in Hyderabad.

Symonds scored 117 from just 53 balls including 11 boundaries and 7 sixes. Hyderabad started poorly with Gilchrist, Laxman and Afridi falling cheaply to Yusuf Pathan and Warne but Symonds more than made up for the poor start, partnering Rohit Sharma (36) for 111 runs to guide the Chargers to a final score of 214-5 from 20 overs.

Rajasthan started much better than Hyderabad and that was helped when Laxman used rookie bowler Pragyan Ojha in the six over. An over which conceded 16 runs. Despite losing Kamran Akmal for 12, Rajasthan were motoring along with Graeme Smith (71) and Yusuf Pathan (61) joining for a 98 run partnership. The Royals went past 100 after just 8.3 overs. When those two were out though, it was Warne’s turn for heroics. In a final over, Rajasthan needed 17 runs and Warne scored two sixes against his former Australian team mate to spark wild celebrations.

Final result: Rajasthan Royals beat Deccan Chargers by 3 wickets.

1 Response to “Symonds Century Not Enough For Hyderabad”

  1. 1 Sunny April 26, 2008 at 6:33 pm

    hope Deccan Chargers pick up the momentum and get back into the League.

    thanks for starting your article with One & two & three & four Deccan Chargers give us more…
    more will come for sure.

    lets hope for the best.

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