Posts Tagged 'Bangalore'

Continuing IPL is the Right Thing to do!

Once again security issues are overshadowing what has been a fantastic IPL tournament. This time it is due to two small bombs exploding on Saturday outside Bangalore’s Chinnaswamy Stadium, which is also set to host World Cup cricket matches early next year.

The blasts happened just before the match between Bangalore and Mumbai and saw 14 people injured and fans panicking and running for their lives.

Luckily none of the international sports bodies have altered their plans of touring India and the current IPL tournament is also still continuing. This in my opinion is the right thing to do, as the IPL and the world of cricket have to stand up to terrorism and show the terrorists that they cannot win. On the other hand, it is also a message to Modi and the rest of the IPL administrators, that security should always be kept at the forefront of their minds when organising or running such a high-profile tournament such as this.


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